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Media Statement - Privacy Commissioners Office LaunchesShort Video Competition for Primary School Students under the Primary School Students Data Protection Campaign 2022

Date: 19 September 2022

Privacy Commissioner's Office Launches
Short Video Competition for Primary School Students under the
“Primary School Students Data Protection Campaign 2022”

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) today launched a short video competition for primary school students themed “Respecting Privacy Begins with Me” (the Competition), with a view to raising students’ awareness of protecting personal data privacy, and enabling them to understand the importance of respecting others’ personal data privacy and learn more about the potential privacy risks which exist in the online world.
The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling said, “Nowadays, children have been exposed to the cyber world since childhood. With online learning, social networking, entertainment and other online activities becoming an integral part of their daily lives, it is vital for students to learn from an early age the importance of protecting their personal data and that of their family members online, as well as respecting the privacy of others. The PCPD will continue to strengthen our educational and promotional work in this regard.”
The Competition, which is organised for students from Primary 3 to 6, will be held in teams. Participating teams may choose one of the three video themes: “Respect Others’ Personal Data Privacy”, “Say ‘No’ to Cyberbullying” or “Stay Vigilant Online: Be Careful while Disclosing Personal Data”, and produce a short video clip which lasts for less than two minutes. The PCPD hopes that, through producing the video, students will learn how to protect personal data in the cyber world as well as develop a sense of respecting others’ personal data privacy, and say “no” to cyberbullying.
To assist the participating teams, the PCPD will provide schools with guidance video on how to protect personal data privacy online and introduce short video production techniques. Deadline for the competition is 6 January 2023. The winning teams will be invited to attend the awards ceremony and will be presented with book coupons and trophies.  
For details of the Competition, please click here to visit the website (Chinese version only).
Meanwhile, the PCPD has also launched school talks on “Stay Vigilant Online: Say ‘No’ to Cyberbullying” to instil in students the importance of protecting personal data online and respecting the privacy of others. The talks have attracted over 8,000 students from 30 primary schools.
Poster of the Short Video Competition for Primary School Students on Respecting Privacy Begins with Me” (Chinese version only)
