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Media Statement - Winner Announcement of the PCPDs Student Ambassador for Privacy Protection Programme Partnering Schools Recognition Scheme cum Mobile Game Apps Design Competition for Secondary School Students Over 16,000 Secondary School Studen

Date: 24 August 2022

Winner Announcement of the PCPD’s “Student Ambassador for Privacy Protection Programme – Partnering Schools Recognition Scheme” cum “Mobile Game Apps Design Competition for Secondary School Students”

Over 16,000 Secondary School Students Support “Respecting and Protecting Personal Data Privacy

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) successfully organised the “Student Ambassador for Privacy Protection Programme – Partnering Schools Recognition Scheme” (the Programme), which attracted the participation of over 16,000 secondary school students. Under the Programme, which was co-organised by the Education Bureau as a Business School Partnership Programme, the PCPD organised a “Mobile Game Apps Design Competition for Secondary Students” (the Competition). The Competition received overwhelming response, with more than 150 entries submitted from over 400 secondary school students. After careful assessment by the judging panel, the winning teams were awarded trophies, certificates and scholarships in recognition of their creativity in incorporating the message of respecting and protecting personal data privacy into their work. The PCPD also presented diamond, gold, silver and bronze awards of the Programme to 64 secondary schools in recognition of  their efforts in fostering a culture of respecting and protecting personal data privacy on campus.

The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling said, “The PCPD is committed to promoting the important message of respecting and protecting personal data privacy to youngsters through different activities. Our flagship event – the ‘Student Ambassador for Privacy Protection Programme – Partnering Schools Recognition Scheme’ encourages all secondary schools in Hong Kong to be our ‘school partners’ and jointly foster a culture of respecting and protecting personal data privacy on campus, as well as proactively help students cultivate the correct value and attitude towards the protection of personal data privacy, and say ‘no’ to cyberbullying and doxxing acts!”

Members of the judging panel of the Competition included the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data Ms Ada CHUNG, the Assistant Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Corporate Communications and Compliance) Ms Joyce LAI and information technology education expert Mr Alex LAU. Taking into account the relevance to the theme of the Competition (“Say ‘No’ to Cyberbullying” or “Stay Vigilant Online: Exercise Caution when Disclosing Personal Data”), programme design, creativity and programming skills, the judges selected the top three awards, 10 merit awards and the Most Creative Award.

The Privacy Commissioner appreciated the outstanding performance of the participants, “I am delighted that the students who participated in this design competition have unleashed their potential in innovative technology using the theme of personal data privacy protection. The Competition has undoubtedly enhanced the participants’ knowledge and awareness of protecting personal data privacy online, and has provided a diverse and innovative platform for them to learn the programming skills of  developing mobile apps. I hope they have enjoyed the fun of innovative technology, while bearing in mind the importance of respecting and protecting personal data privacy both online and offline.”

The Programme received enthusiastic support from 64 secondary schools and the participation of more than 16,000 students. The schools were required to arrange their students to participate in seven privacy protection tasks. Depending on the number of tasks accomplished, the schools would receive diamond, gold, silver or bronze awards in recognition of their achievements in implementing and promoting the protection of personal data privacy. The Diamond Awards were presented to six schools that have won the Gold Award under the Programme for three consecutive years. They were (in alphabetical order) CCC Ming Yin College; Lingnan Hang Yee Memorial Secondary School; Ning Po No.2 College; Po Leung Kuk Yao Ling Sun College; SKH Kei Hau Secondary School and TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors’ College.

A brief description of the winning entries of the Competition can be found in the Appendix, and their demonstration videos can be viewed on PCPD website. For the list of winners and details of the Programme and the Competition, please visit our website:

The Privacy Commissioner presented a trophy, certificates and scholarships to the champion team of the open category. Team members include Abraham Nicholas Kwun-Tai CHAN, Sophia Natalie Kwun-Kiu CHAN, Marcus Cheuk Lim HUI and Andra Yi Ching HUI. 

St. Paul’s Convent School won the championship of the school category. 


Highlights of the Winning Entries of
“Mobile Game Apps Design Competition for Secondary School Students”

The “Mobile Game Apps Design Competition for Secondary School Students” was a special mission under the “Student Ambassador for Privacy Protection Programme – Partnering Schools Recognition Scheme”. The Competition was divided into school category and open category, in which participants were invited to design and develop mobile game apps under the theme of “Say ‘No’ to Cyberbullying” or “Stay Vigilant Online: Exercise Caution when Disclosing Personal Data”. To enhance students’ programming skills and understanding of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the PCPD produced a teaching video for the Competition. An information technology education expert and a PCPD representative explained the programming skills of developing mobile apps and the importance of protecting personal data privacy respectively.

School Category
The champion of the school category of the Competition went to St. Paul’s Convent School. The team designed a quiz game that involved two players fighting against each other. In addition to the outstanding programming skills, the entry reflected the theme fully and hence it also won the Most Creative Award.

St. Paul’s Convent School also won the first runner-up award (left). The team combined recreational chess with quiz questions to promote better understanding of cyberbullying and doxxing. The second runner-up was Lingnan Hang Yee Memorial Secondary School. Team members included Brady SO, Chun Wing LUI, Hin Tsung LAU, Hou Jiu LEUNG, Chun Wang LAU, Tsz Sun YUN, Ho-Yan LI and Pui Ka CHU. The entry (right)  allowed players to experience the simulated scenario of registering for an online account. 

Open Category
The champion of the open category of the Competition went to Abraham Nicholas Kwun-Tai CHAN, Sophia Natalie Kwun-Kiu CHAN, Andra Yi Ching HUI and Marcus Cheuk Lim HUI. The team designed a fishing game for players who were required, as part of the game, to answer questions relating to the protection of personal data privacy online. The game was designed with vibrant colours and relaxing background music, so as to enhance players’ enjoyment in playing the game.

The first runner-up entry reminded players to protect personal data privacy through three mini games (left). The team also won the Most Creative Award. The entry of the second runner-up (right)  provided a wealth of information relating to the protection of personal data privacy through a quiz game.