Date: 22 October 2021
Privacy Commissioner Appealed for Greater International Collaboration
at the 43rd Global Privacy Assembly
The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (the Privacy Commissioner), Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, attended the virtual conference of the 43rd Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) from 18 to 21 October 2021. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Privacy and Data Protection: A Human-centric Approach’. The topics of discussions included privacy issues relating to artificial intelligence, facial recognition, smart cities, vaccine passports and cross-regional enforcement.
In the light of the increasing number of personal data breach incidents which involved infringements of privacy laws in different jurisdictions, the Privacy Commissioner joined her counterparts in other jurisdictions in a discussion of the GPA on international enforcement cooperation.
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (the PCPD) also took up the co-chairmanship of the GPA’s International Enforcement Cooperation Working Group to contribute to the important work of the Working Group. The other co-chairs of the Working Group comprise the data protection authorities of Canada, Colombia and Norway.
The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada Chung, said, “I appealed for more collaboration, exchange of information and experience, and possibly joint actions on the international front to enhance the protection of personal data privacy in the digital era.”
In a separate discussion in relation to privacy issues arising from the adoption of technological initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Deputy Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Mr TY LEE, presented to GPA members the Compendium of Best Practices in Response to COVID-19 (Part II) compiled by the PCPD. The Compendium contains relevant experience and cases of best practices of privacy protection contributed by 32 GPA members and observers through a survey conducted by the PCPD in June and July 2021.
The GPA is the leading international forum for over 130 data protection authorities from around the globe to discuss and exchange views on privacy issues and the latest international developments.
here to download the Compendium of Best Practices in Response to COVID-19 (Part II).

Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG, attended the virtual conference of
the 43rd Global Privacy Assembly.
Deputy Privacy Commissioner, Mr TY LEE, attended the virtual conference of the 43rd Global Privacy Assembly.