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Media Statements

Media Statement - PCPD Launches a Series of Publications and Activitiesto Promote Children Privacy

Date: 2 August 2021

PCPD Launches a Series of Publications and Activities
to Promote Children Privacy

To strengthen the protection of children’s personal data privacy, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (PCPD) has recently launched a series of publications, animated videos, webinars, as well as a brand-new “Children Privacy” thematic website to provide a one-stop online resource centre for teachers, parents and children.

The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, said, “Everyone’s privacy should be protected and respected regardless of age. Children generally are less vigilant of protecting their personal data privacy and the potential privacy risks relating to online activities. We strive to step up the PCPD’s education and publicity efforts in this regard, so that children can learn to protect their personal data privacy, while teachers and parents can also make the best use of the educational resources provided by the PCPD to assist children in safeguarding their personal data privacy.”

Relevant publications, videos, website and webinars are as follows:

1. Educational leaflets
The PCPD has distributed two leaflets entitled “Protect Personal Data, Starts with Me” and “Respect Others’ Privacy, I Can Do It” to primary schools and social services organisations for dissemination. Teachers and parents may use the leaflets to provide guidance on the protection of personal data to students and children.


The leaflets can be downloaded from: (Chinese Version Only) (Chinese Version Only)

2. Educational videos
The PCPD has produced three educational animated videos based on the award-winning works of the Comic Strip Competition which was open to primary school students. 

The three animations, entitled “Ask Before Sharing Photos Online”, “Stay Vigilant and Disciplined Online to Protect Your Personal Data” and “Data Protection in Your Hands, Yeah!”, are now available on PCPD’s website and YouTube:

3. “Children Privacy” thematic website
The PCPD has also revamped its “Children Privacy” thematic website. The website offers a one-stop portal of online resources for children to learn and understand how to protect personal data privacy, and for teachers and parents to help those under their care to safeguard personal data privacy. 

“Children Privacy” website:

4. Webinars
In addition, the PCPD delivered two webinars on “Learning to Protect and Respect Personal Data Privacy” to students of Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School (Primary Section) and Fukien Secondary School Affiliated School on 30 June and 5 July 2021 respectively. The webinars sought to explain the importance of protecting personal data online and provide relevant practical guidance to the students.  The PCPD would continue to organise webinars for primary schools.  Interested parties please contact 2877 7152 (Mr Pheng) for more details.
