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Media Statement - Privacy Awareness Week 2021 Protecting Privacy in the Internet Era Privacy Commissioner Hosts the Webinar on Social Media and You

Date: 22 June 2021

Privacy Awareness Week 2021 – “Protecting Privacy in the Internet Era”
Privacy Commissioner Hosts the Webinar on “Social Media and You”

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) is organising the Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) 2021 from 21 to 27 June 2021. The theme of the PAW this year is “Protecting Privacy in the Internet Era”.
As the kick-off event and one of the key highlights of the PAW 2021, the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Privacy Commissioner), Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, today (22 June) hosted the webinar on “Social Media and You”, with Professor Wong Kam Fai, the Associate Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of Engineering, as the guest speaker. Professor Wong is also the Professor of the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management and Director of Centre of Innovation and Technology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The webinar sought to provide practical guidance to users of social media and instant messaging apps on how to protect personal data privacy. It also explained the latest development of social media and its impact on society.
The Privacy Commissioner Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling said, “Social media has become part of daily life of the people in Hong Kong. However, the use of social media carries non-negligible risks to users’ privacy in relation to personal data.”
The webinar was held today with great success, attracting more than 300 users of social media, marketing and PR practitioners, SMEs, teachers, parents and teenagers to attend.
In addition, the PCPD will hold a webinar on “Data Protection in the Age of Big Data” on 25 June 2021, to be hosted by Ms Christine CHAN, Senior Personal Data Officer (Acting) of the PCPD, and featuring Dr KH SHUM, Director of Applied Cryptosystems, Technology Division of Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Trusted Technology, the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, as the guest speaker. The webinar will elaborate on the relevant requirements under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance with regard to the use of big data or artificial intelligence by organisations, and discuss issues relating to enhancing cybersecurity, etc.
During the PAW 2021, the PCPD also promotes the messages of “Protecting Children Privacy” and “Say ‘No’ to Doxxing” on the bodies of a number of double-decker buses. Besides, the PCPD has produced an e-poster on the smart use of social media for members of the public to download.
Privacy Awareness Week 2021
PAW is an annual promotion campaign jointly supported by members (including the PCPD) of the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA). Details of the PAW 2021 in Hong Kong are available on:

Privacy Commissioner’s Presentation entitled "Social Media and You" (Chinese only)

Professor Wong Kam Fai's Presentation entitled "Where to Find Him in Social Media" (Chinese only)

The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling (right), and Professor Wong Kam Fai, Associate Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (left), spoke at the webinar on “Social Media and You” on 22 June 2021.
