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Media Statements

Media Statement - Instant Messaging App Extends Deadlinefor Accepting New Terms of Service and Privacy PolicyPrivacy Commissioner Welcomes the Arrangement andCalls for Further Explanation to Users

Date:16 January 2021

Instant Messaging App Extends Deadline
for Accepting New Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
Privacy Commissioner Welcomes the Arrangement and
Calls for Further Explanation to Users

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data noted that an instant messaging app widely used in Hong Kong (the messaging app) today announced that it has extended the deadline for users to accept its new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy from 8 February to 15 May.
The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, said, “I welcome the messaging app’s arrangement to extend the period of consideration by users. This would allow more time for users to understand and consider the new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. I also call on the messaging app to provide further information and sufficient explanation to affected users in the meantime to alleviate the public’s concern.”
