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Media Statements

Media Statement - Two PCPD Staff Members Receive Individual Awards ofThe Ombudsmans Awards 2019

Date: 8 November 2019

Two PCPD Staff Members Receive Individual Awards of
The Ombudsman’s Awards 2019

Two staff members of the office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (PCPD) today received Individual Awards for Officers of Public Organisations of The Ombudsman’s Awards (Awards) 2019 for their professionalism and exemplary performance in handling enquiries and complaints. This is the third year in a row when the PCPD staff members have received the Awards.

The two PCPD awardees are Assistant Personal Data Officers of the Complaints Section, Ms Natalie Kit-ying YUNG and Ms Joyce Hoi-ling LI.

Ms YUNG is a seasoned complaints officer. She is committed to handling complaints by conciliation and patiently listening to the complainants. She strives to understand the clients’ needs and worries, and resolves their disputes in a fair manner on the basis of the requirements of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO). Ms YUNG possesses a positive attitude towards handling sensitive complaints flexibly and efficiently. She is a role model for colleagues in promoting a culture of respect for personal data.

Ms LI is particularly well versed in resolving differences among people. She can objectively analyses grievances among the parties, explaining to them the relevant parts of the PDPO and facilitating them to arrive at feasible resolutions. With her professionalism and full competency, Ms LI decisively determines whether a complaint case merits further action.

The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, Mr Stephen Kai-yi WONG, congratulated the award-winning staff members, “This year, our staff members have once again received the Awards in recognition of their efforts and professionalism. Over the past few months, my office has received nearly 4,000 cases of doxxing and cyberbullying. I would like to express my gratitude to all staff members of my office for their professionalism and dedication in serving the public. As an independent statutory body, my office will continue to enforce the law in a fair and just manner, without fear or favour, and will continue to follow up on every enquiry or complaint impartially under the powers conferred upon me by the PDPO.”

The Ombudsman’s Awards Scheme was introduced in 1997. In 1999, the Scheme was extended to honour individual public officers’ efforts in handling public enquiries and complaints.

The Ombudsman Ms Winnie Wai-yin CHIU (middle) pictured with the award-winning PCPD staff members: Assistant Personal Data Officers of the Complaints Section: Ms Natalie Kit-ying YUNG (right) and Ms Joyce Hoi-ling LI (left).

The Ombudsman Ms Winnie Wai-yin CHIU (middle) pictured with the award-winning PCPD staff members: Assistant Personal Data Officers of the Complaints Section: Ms Natalie Kit-ying YUNG (right) and Ms Joyce Hoi-ling LI (left).
