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Media Statement - Compliance with Privacy Law, Data Ethics in Action Privacy Awareness Week 2019PCPD organises Data Ethics Symposium and education promotion activities

Date: 9 May 2019

“Compliance with Privacy Law, Data Ethics in Action” – “Privacy Awareness Week” 2019
PCPD organises “Data Ethics” Symposium and education & promotion activities

The office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (PCPD), together with members of the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA), launched the “Privacy Awareness Week” 2019 (PAW 2019) from 6 to 12 May. The theme of PAW 2019 in Hong Kong is "Compliance with Privacy Law, Data Ethics in Action". The Symposium on “Data Ethics in Action”, a flagship event of PAW 2019, was held today, attended by over 150 members of the PCPD’s Data Protection Officers’ Club from different industries and sectors and organisation representatives. 
Symposium on “Data Ethics in Action”
The Symposium kicked off with opening remarks by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (the Privacy Commissioner) Mr Stephen Kai-yi WONG, followed by speeches by the Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, Mr Albert Hak-keung WONG; the Chief Executive, Hong Kong, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Ms Diana CESAR; and the Chief Executive Officer of Octopus Holdings Limited, Mr Sunny Yiu-tong CHEUNG. They shared their insight and experience from the perspectives of different industries and sectors on putting data ethics in action and building trust with stakeholders in relation to data privacy. 
In the opening remarks, the Privacy Commissioner said that in today's digital era, while information technology innovations open up substantial opportunities for organisations, organisations are faced with more stringent regulatory requirements for data protection. Mr Wong urged organisations to adopt, in addition to complying with the regulation, the three Data Stewardship Values of data ethics advocated by the PCPD, namely “Respectful, Beneficial and Fair”. Organisations should carry out Ethical Data Impact Assessment before engaging in activities related to big data analysis and artificial intelligence. He said, “Data ethics involves offering individuals genuine choices, meaningful consent, equality and non-discrimination. Most importantly, it gives back the right to self-determination in the use of personal data to the data subjects. This concept is in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came into force in May last year – GDPR sets a higher standard for consent, and emphasises individuals’ autonomy. Data ethics is also a global trend in data protection. As a member of the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, the PCPD, together with other international data protection authorities, issued the ‘Declaration on Ethics and Data Protection in Artificial Intelligence’ in October last year, and a member of a working group to promote the Declaration.” 
Mr Wong also mentioned that the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, in support of data ethics and stewardship, issued a letter on 3 May 2019 to the banks, encouraging them to adopt the PCPD’s Ethical Accountability Framework for the collection and use of personal data in the development of fintech products and services. In addition, to assist the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in putting data ethics into practice, the Privacy Commissioner today issued a new information leaflet “Data Ethics for Small and Medium Enterprises”.  It includes a series of questions of ethical data impact assessment, which allows the SMEs to conduct self-assessment to find out the impact of their data-driven activities on their stakeholders’ rights and interests. Mr Wong said, “Organisations should uphold the attitude of the three Data Stewardship Values for handling personal data. Such approach would not only reinforce consumer trust but also exemplify organisations’ commitment to personal data privacy protection and realise the principle of accountability, thereby elevating their reputation and increasing their competitiveness. 
The three speakers and the Deputy Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, Mr Tony Chik-ting LAM participated in the panel discussion. They exchanged views on policies and measures to promote data ethics in corporate operation and governance, and also expressed their opinions on a variety of issues related to data privacy and the way forward to tackle potential risks.  
“Privacy Awareness Week” 2019
PAW 2019 reaches out to different sectors and members of the public through an array of activities, aiming to heighten their awareness of the importance of protecting and respecting personal data.  
On the industry publicity front, property management is the focus for this year’s industry-specific campaign.  A radio mini drama series entitled “Privacy Residents’ Club” was produced to raise the awareness of personal data protection among property management practitioners, members of owners’ corporations and the public. The four episodes of the drama, featuring well-known broadcasters, broadcast on Commercial Radio 881 during PAW. The Privacy Commissioner also talked about the promotional work of the privacy campaign for property management this year as well as the importance of data ethics on privacy protection on Commercial Radio’s current affairs  programme “On a Clear Day” on 7 and 8 May 2019. 
To familiarise senior citizens with the potential data privacy risks, this year the PCPD joins hands with several non-government organisations to organise elderly talks in the community to share tips on personal data protection in daily life. These tips for the elderly are also shared by our Privacy Special Ambassador Ms Candy CHEA via a short video broadcast on the eElderly website (  
In addition, secondary school talks and a public seminar are held during the week to explain the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the importance of safeguarding personal data online. Four posters specially designed for the PAW 2019 are distributed to activity participants. They are available on the PCPD website for free download.
Details of PAW 2019 in Hong Kong are available on:
The APPA, formed in 1992, is the principal forum for privacy authorities in the Asia Pacific Region to form partnerships and exchange ideas on privacy regulation, new technologies and the enforcement actions. There are currently 20 members.  The PCPD is a member of the APPA, and also a standing member of its Governance Committee. In this year’s PAW, Hong Kong is joined by Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Macao, etc.
For details of PAW 2019 promotional activities of other APPA members, please visit

Photo: Privacy Commissioner Mr Stephen Wong (second left) together with the speakers of the Symposium, the Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, Mr Albert Wong (first right); the Chief Executive, Hong Kong, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Ms Diana Cesar (second right) and the Chief Executive Officer of Octopus Holdings Limited, Mr Sunny Cheung (first left), take a group photo. 

New posters designed by the PCPD for PAW 2019
