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Media Statement - Privacy Commissioner Contacted Facebook for Information on the Hacking IncidentCompliance Check Continues

Date: 3 October 2018

Privacy Commissioner Contacted Facebook for Information on the Hacking Incident
Compliance Check Continues

The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (Privacy Commissioner) Mr Stephen Kai-yi WONG has contacted Facebook to express concern over the Facebook hacking incident and to obtain further information and relevant facts on the case, given the likelihood that Facebook’s Hong Kong account holders were affected in the incident.
According to the information provided by Facebook:
  • Facebook has addressed the vulnerability issues revealed in the incident and informed the relevant enforcement agencies. Facebook has already reset the “access tokens” of the accounts known to have been affected to protect their security.
  • There is no need for account holders to change their passwords. 
  • Facebook has analysed its logs for all third-party apps logged in through Facebook. Its investigation has so far found no evidence that the attackers accessed any apps using Facebook Login.
  • Should Facebook account holders have any questions, they can view the Facebook Help Center webpage and raise enquiries.
  • Facebook account holders can also obtain the latest updates and information on the incident from Facebook webpages:
  • Security Update:
  • Facebook Login Update:
The Privacy Commissioner has initiated a compliance check on the incident and would continue to follow up according to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and established procedures.
For more information on protection of personal data privacy in relation to the use of social media platforms, please visit PCPD’s thematic website: