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Media Statement - Privacy Commissioner Prize in Privacy and Data Protection Law 2017/18 toRecognise Students Outstanding Performance in Study of Personal Data Privacy Protection

Date: 3 September 2018

Privacy Commissioner Prize in Privacy and Data Protection Law 2017/18 to
Recognise Student’s Outstanding Performance in Study of Personal Data Privacy Protection

The Privacy Commissioner Mr Stephen Kai-yi WONG presented the sixth Privacy Commissioner Prize in Privacy and Data Protection Law (the Prize) to recognise the best student essay this year with a topic focusing on civil liability for invasion of privacy in Hong Kong. 
The Prize was presented at the opening ceremony 2018-2019 of the Faculty of Law, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) on 31 August 2018 to Mr Stephen Kam-to SIU, currently a pupil barrister who earned a double bachelor degree in government & laws. The title of the winning essay was “A Study of Civil Liability for Invasion of Privacy in Hong Kong – A Tort of Invasion of Privacy in Hong Kong”. Siu said that having reviewed the Law Reform Commission’s report in 2004, he studied post-2004 international experience in the development of the law of privacy and argued that, instead of extending the action of breach of confidence to cover privacy issues, a separate tort of invasion of privacy should be recognised in Hong Kong. In his essay, he further argued that the tort should be recognised by the common law, instead of by statute, to reflect its unique nature and the rapid development of technology which allows inexhaustible ways of infringement of privacy. 
The Privacy Commissioner congratulated Mr Siu on his achievement, and was pleased to see the growing interest in studying personal data privacy among young law students. “Through participating in this essay competition, even if students do not practise law after graduation, they will be able to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the good practices in personal data protection in any other disciplines, as data privacy is related to every aspect of our lives,” Mr Wong said.  
The Prize, jointly established by the office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong and the HKU Faculty of Law in 2012, is awarded annually to the undergraduate students of the HKU Law Faculty who have made outstanding contribution to the study of privacy and data protection law. Students are invited to submit an essay on topics related to personal data privacy and the winner will be awarded a scholarship.
The winning essay can be viewed on:

The Privacy Commissioner Mr Stephen Kai-yi WONG (right) congratulated Mr Kam-to SIU (left), awardee of the sixth Privacy Commissioner Prize in Privacy and Data Protection Law.