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Media Statement - Privacy Commissioner Attends the United Nations Global Pulse Expert Meeting in New York City, United States

Date: 5 May 2017

Privacy Commissioner Attends the United Nations Global Pulse Expert Meeting in New York City, United States

(5 May 2017)  The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (“Privacy Commissioner”) Mr Stephen Kai-yi WONG attended the United Nations (“UN”) Global Pulse Expert Meeting in New York City, United States on 4 May 2017. He was invited by the organisers, UN Global Pulse and International Association of Privacy Professionals, to participate as a panellist representing Asia to talk about human rights and personal data privacy protection in Hong Kong under the Basis Law and "One Country, Two Systems" principle, challenges faced in data protection relating to humanitarian and development response actions and possible solutions to enhance such response actions.

The by-invitation-only event, themed “Building a Strong Privacy and Data Ethics Program: From Theory to Practice”, focused on how to implement privacy and data ethics in international organisations, and on how to access public-private sector data for use in humanitarian and development contexts. 

The event has brought together UN experts, international regulators, as well as data privacy and data protection leaders from the private sector, academia and civil society. The Privacy Commissioner was invited to share on the panel discussion themed “Privacy and Data Protection Frameworks: The Regulatory and Policy-making Perspective”. Panellists of this session came from four different continents, including former European Data Protection Supervisor and the representatives from the UN Office of Legal Affairs, Data Protection Commission of Ghana and the Federal Trade Commission of the US.

The Privacy Commissioner introduced the general scene of human rights and personal data privacy protection in Hong Kong: “International human rights, values and standards are, as they applied in Hong Kong, well underpinned, set out, guaranteed and practised; personal data privacy right is a fundamental human right protected in Hong Kong despite differences in traditional culture generally.” The Privacy Commissioner also illustrated data protection relating to humanitarian and development response actions in the city, and stressed the need for a global framework or consensus for privacy enforcement in view of increasing cross border data transfer and issues concerning different jurisdictions. He also made use of this occasion to showcase the Privacy Management Programme and the culture of Protect and Respect Personal Data advocated by Hong Kong, raising Hong Kong’s image for data protection in the international arena.

Global Pulse is a flagship innovation initiative of the UN Secretary-General on big data. Its vision is a future in which big data is harnessed safely and responsibly as a public good. Its mission is to accelerate discovery, development and scaled adoption of big data innovation for sustainable development and humanitarian action. The initiative was established based on a recognition that digital data offers the opportunity to gain a better understanding of changes in human well-being, and to get real-time feedback on how well policy responses are working.    

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The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong Mr Stephen Kai-yi WONG (second left) attended the United Nations (“UN”) Global Pulse Expert Meeting in New York City, United States on 4 May 2017. He was invited to participate as a panellist representing Asia and share on the panel discussion themed “Privacy and Data Protection Frameworks: The Regulatory and Policy-making Perspective”.

Photo sourceGlobal Pulse’s twitter page