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Response to Media Enquiry or Report

Response to Media Enquiry or Report

Date: 17 August 2016

Privacy Commissioner Responses to Media Enquiry on the Follow-up on the Latest Development of the Unauthorised Webcam Images from Hong Kong Used in an Art Exhibition in London

Thank you very much for your email to follow-up on the latest development of an exhibition in London which features images captured from unsecure webcams in Hong Kong.

Privacy Commissioner of Personal Data, Hong Kong, Mr Stephen Kai-yi WONG is pleased to know that the artist has agreed to obscure or blur the faces of the people in the webcam images displayed in the gallery, and has also agreed to stop selling prints of those images.

Mr Wong said, “The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Personal Data, Hong Kong (“PCPD”) will continue its efforts in nurturing a culture of ‘Protect, Respect Personal Data’ among individuals and organisations in the community, and will guard against any acts that infringe Hong Kong residents’ personal data privacy rights.” 

“A wide coverage of media exposure, both in Hong Kong and in the UK, also helps raise the public awareness on the risks involved in the age of Internet of Things and to remind users of Internet-connected devices to stay smart in protecting their own personal data.”

“I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK – with their most swift and helpful response to our concerns about the privacy issues involving images collected from Hong Kong, by looking into the issue from the perspective of the UK’s Computer Misuse Act and alerting the relevant enforcement authorities where appropriate.”