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Privacy Awareness Week

Privacy Awareness Week 2019


Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) is an annual promotion event we hold jointly with other members of the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities(APPA) forum.

The theme of PAW 2019 in Hong Kong is "Compliance with Privacy Law, Data Ethics in Action". It is supported by over 400 members of the Data Protection Officers' Club (DPOC).

Privacy Awareness Week (PAW 2019) Highlights (6-12 May)

Activities during PAW:

  1. Symposium on "Data Ethics in Action" (9 May 2019)
    Organised by the PCPD on 9 May, the Symposium on "Data Ethics in Action" was the flagship event of PAW 2019, as well as the DPOC's new membership year 2019-20. Over 150 DPOC members and organisation representatives participated in the Symposium.

    Our guest speakers, Mr Albert Hak-keung WONG, the Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, Ms Diana CESAR, Chief Executive, Hong Kong, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and Mr Sunny Yiu-tong CHEUNG, the Chief Executive Officer of Octopus Holdings Limited shared their insights and experience in putting data ethics in action and building trust with stakeholders in relation to data privacy.



  2. Educational Talks to Senior Citizens (8 – 10 May 2019)
    To help senior citizens recognise potential data privacy risks, the PCPD collaborated with non-governmental organisations to organise elderly talks to share tips on personal data protection in daily life.



  3. Secondary School Talk (7 May 2019)
    A school talk was organised to help secondary school students acquire basic knowledge of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and learn how to protect their online privacy.

  4. Public Seminar (6 May 2019)
    An introductory seminar on the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance was conducted to enhance the understanding of the Ordinance among the general public.

Publicity Initiatives launched during PAW 2019:

  1. Privacy Commissioner's interview on "On a Clear Day" (在晴朗的一天出發) (7 & 8 May)
    In interviews on 7 and 8 May with Mr Stephen CHAN (陳志雲) in his current affairs programme "On a Clear Day" (在晴朗的一天出發) on Commercial Radio, the Privacy Commissioner Mr Stephen WONG talked about personal data privacy issues in property management and highlighted the importance of data ethics as a worldwide trend.
  2. Radio drama series "Privacy Clubhouse"《私隱住客會所》(7 - 10 May)
    Property management practitioners and members of owners' corporations collect and use sheer amount of personal data. To enhance the culture of protecting and respecting personal data privacy in property management industry, a four-episode radio drama series titled "Privacy Clubhouse", voice-acted by well-known broadcasters, was broadcast on Commercial Radio 881.

    You can catch up the radio drama here.
  3. Educational video of the Privacy Special Ambassador on the elderly website ( (Starting from 6 May)
    A short educational video of the Privacy Special Ambassador, Ms Candy Chea was placed on the elderly website ( to share advice on safeguarding personal data among the elderly.
  4. Broadcast of promotional video series "Think Privacy! Be Smart Online" on social media (6 – 12 May)
    Promotional video series “Think Privacy! Be Smart Online” were uploaded on the social media to provide useful tips of data protection to the general public when they engage in ICT.
  5. New posters for promoting data ethics
    A new series of posters were produced for promoting the theme of PAW 2019 "Compliance with Privacy Law, Data Ethics in Action" and were distributed to all DPOC members.
  6. New poster for promoting data protection among the elderly
    Distribution of posters of the Privacy Special Ambassador, Ms Candy Chea to the elderly for raising their awareness of protecting personal data.

Posters of Privacy Awareness Week 2019 designed by PCPD

Past PAW