Privacy Awareness Week (PAW 2017)
PAW is an annual promotion event we hold jointly with other members of the
Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) forum. This year, the event is celebrated in Australia (Northern Territory, Queensland, Victoria), Hong Kong, Macau, New Zealand, Singapore and United States.
The theme of PAW 2017 in Hong Kong is
"Share Personal Data with Care". It is supported by 132 partner secondary schools and about 400 members of the Data Protection Officers' Club.
8 May
(Mon) |
9 May
(Tue) |
10 May
(Wed) |
11 May
(Thur) |
12 May
(Fri) |
13 May
(Sat) |
14 May
(Sun) |
Social Media Campaign |
Promotion at DPOC Organisations |
Student Ambassador for Privacy Protection Programme –
Campus Promotion through Partner Schools
(Campus TV, sharing sessions, exhibition, etc.) |
Student Ambassador for Privacy Protection Programme –
Closing Ceremony cum Student Ambassador Prize Presentation Ceremony) |
Educational Talk to Senior Citizens
(In collaboration with Caritas Hong Kong, Sik Sik Yuen, Pok Oi Hospital and Sham Shui Po Kai-fong Welfare Advancement Association) |
Public Seminar
(Supported by SME One of Hong Kong Productivity Council) |
DPOC Welcome Reception cum Seminar |
Public Education Roadshow on Personal Data Protection
(MTR Admiralty Station) |
Target audience: |
Secondary school students |
Public |
Businesses |
Privacy Awareness Week (PAW 2017) Highlights
Public Seminar (8 May 2017)
With a view to providing the public with an opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, an introductory seminar was conducted with support from SME One of Hong Kong Productivity Council.

DPOC Welcoming Reception cum Lunch Talk (9 May 2017)
The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data welcomed DPOC members at the reception. A talk was held to share with members on the smart use of portable storage devices from data protection perspective and how should a data breach be handled

Educational Talks to Senior Citizens (8-12 May 2017)
To help senior citizens recognise potential data privacy risks and prevent them from being victimised by crime and financial exploitation, five talks were held in collaboration with four NGOs to share tips on personal data protection in daily life.

Public Education Roadshow on Personal Data Protection (12-14 May 2017)
A public education roadshow was held in MTR Admiralty Station to enhance public awareness and understanding of individuals’ privacy rights under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. It provides practical tips for the general public when they engage in ICT activities such as wisely use of mobile apps and webcams.
Award Presentation Ceremony for Recognition Scheme on Promoting Privacy Protection and Short Video Competition (13 May 2017)
A recognition scheme on promoting privacy protection and an inter-school short video competition were held under the Student Ambassador for Privacy Protection Programme. An award presentation ceremony was held to mark the conclusion of PAW 2017. Gold, silver and bronze awards had been presented to partner schools that demonstrated efforts in promoting personal data privacy protectin on campuses. Award presentation for the short video competition was also held on the same occassion.
Posters of Privacy Awareness Week 2017 designed by PCPD
Download all posters (PDF)
Past PAW