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Case Notes

Case Notes

This case related to provisions on direct marketing

Case No.:2013C08

A telecommunications service provider failed to comply with a customer’s opt-out request

The Complaint

The Complainant was a customer of a telecommunications service provider for its broadband service. Despite this service provider’s acknowledgement of the Complainant’s written opt-out request, its staff still called the Complainant on his mobile number and left a voice message informing him of, amongst other things, its available services and promotions.


The service provider was convicted, after trial, of failure to comply with the Complainant’s request to cease to use his personal data in direct marketing, contrary to section 35G(3) of the Ordinance and fined HK$30,000 (N.B.:This service provider subsequently filed a notice of appeal against its conviction, and hearing was yet to complete).

(Uploaded in September 2016)

Category : Provisions/DPPs/COPs/Guidelines : Topic/Subject Matter :