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Codes of Practice/ Guidelines

Code of Practice on the Identity Card Number and other Personal Identifiers

2.3.3 to enable the present or future correct identification of, or correct attribution of personal data to, the holder of the identity card, where such correct identification or attribution is or will be necessary: for the advancement of the interest of the holder;
  Note: For example, a doctor may require a patient's ID card number to ensure that his past medical records are correctly attributed to him to enable better treatment. for the prevention of detriment to any person other than the data user;
  Note: The ID card number provided by a patient in the previous example may also prevent medication being given wrongly to that or some other patient as a result of misidentification.
    or to safeguard against damage or loss on the part of the data user which is more than trivial in the circumstances;
  Note: For example, a driver in a motor accident may collect the ID card number of the other party to facilitate a future claim.

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