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Codes of Practice/ Guidelines

Code of Practice on the Identity Card Number and other Personal Identifiers

The following paragraphs seek to give practical effect to the Personal Data Security Safeguard Principle (Data Protection Principle 4):

2.7 Unless otherwise required or permitted by law, a data user should take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that an identity card number and the name of the holder are not:
  2.7.1 displayed together publicly;
  Note: For example, ID card numbers should not be displayed with the names of the holders in newspaper notices, unless required or permitted by law. On the other hand, the public display of ID card numbers for the purpose of identification, without the names or other identifying particulars of the individuals concerned, would not be affected this paragraph.
  2.7.2 made visible or otherwise accessible together to any person, other than a person who needs to carry out activities related to permitted uses of the identity card number.
  Note: For example, a visitors' log book kept at the entrance counter of a building containing the names and identity card numbers of visitors should be kept under secure conditions at all times to prevent access by any persons other than the building management in the discharge of its duties.
2.8 A data user should not issue to an individual any card (not being an identity card or driving licence) bearing in a legible form the identity card number of that individual, including such number in its original or an altered form from which it is reasonably practicable to deduce the identity card number.
Note: For example, no staff card should be issued to an employee which bears on its face the staff number of the employee, being actually his ID card number in an altered form. To enable identification of the employee in legible form by an outsider, the presence of a photograph of that employee on the card which also bears a staff number (not related to his ID card number) will be sufficient. The paragraph does not affect the issuance of cards which have the ID card numbers of the holders printed on them in bar code or other form that is not directly legible. This paragraph commences operation 6 months later that the rest of the Code (see paragraph 6.2).

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