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Codes of Practice/ Guidelines

Compliance Guide for Data Users


  1. In general, the requirements of the code in relation to ID card numbers also apply to other personal identifiers, e.g. employee or passport numbers, with the necessary modifications. In other words, other personal identifiers may be collected only under the circumstances and by the means permitted for ID card numbers and are subject to the same requirements as regards retention and use.
  2. The above does not apply to the collection or use of such other personal identifiers for a purpose that is directly related to the functions and activities of the person that assigned the identifier to the individuals concerned. For example, an employee number may be collected and used for purposes directly related to the functions or activities of the employer that assigned it, such as managing employee records and the payment of employee salaries.
  3. Generally speaking, a data user that assigns personal identifiers to individuals should take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the security of the system under which this is done. Such steps should include security measures to safeguard against the unauthorised assignment of the identifier or production of any document, e.g. the unauthorised production of a staff card with a false employee number printed on it.

    This booklet is issued only for general guidance and should not be relied upon when determining whether or not an act or practice complies with the code of practice. For a complete and definitive statement of the requirements of the code, reference should be made to the code of practice itself.

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