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The Commissioner

The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data

Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling

Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling was appointed as the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data in September 2020.
Ms Chung was qualified as a barrister and a Certified Public Accountant. She has solid legal expertise in privacy law, company law, tax, trust and administrative law. Ms Chung also has abundant experience in regulatory and administrative work. Before her appointment as the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Ms Chung was the Registrar of Companies, Registrar of Money Lenders, and had held various posts in the Department of Justice, including the Deputy Law Officer (Civil Law).
In her role as the Registrar of Companies, she introduced full-scale electronic filing of company information and electronic incorporation of companies in Hong Kong. She contributed significantly to the rewrite of the Companies Ordinance and spearheaded the implementation of the new Companies Ordinance.
More recently, she was instrumental in amending the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to more effectively combat doxxing behaviour and she led the criminal investigation division of her office in instituting criminal investigations and prosecutions into suspected doxxing offences. She also led her team in the compilation of a Guidance on the Ethical Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence in Hong Kong.
Ms Chung currently sits on the Sub-group on Cross-boundary Data Collaboration of the Digital Economy Development Committee set up by the Financial Secretary and the Professional Advisory Board of the Asian Institute of International Financial Law of the University of Hong Kong. She is also a member of the Hong Kong Expert Group on Cross-boundary Data Collaboration.