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Privacy Awareness Week

Privacy Awareness Week

Privacy Awareness Week 2009 ("PAW 2009") in Hong Kong

Privacy Awareness Week 2009 ("PAW 2009") in Hong Kong
(Poster in PDF format)

"Privacy Reports"

"Privacy Reports" is a project involving the making of a series of short videos produced by students of four secondary schools featuring social issues that impact on personal data privacy in Hong Kong. In the course of the project, the students were provided with the opportunity to attend seminars on personal data privacy issues and interview selected legislators, government officials and experts. The students were then expected to analyze, evaluate, construct and express their points of view towards the issues through the shooting of the videos.

Date Events View the video
Wah Yan College, Hong Kong

Security measures of Smart ID Card

Security measures of Smart ID Card
Po Kok Secondary School Privacy risks arising from social networking websites Privacy risks arising from social networking websites
C.C.C. Kwei Wah Shan College Installation of CCTV in public places Installation of CCTV in public places
Salesian English School
(Secondary Section)
IT security IT security

"Privacy Awareness Week 2009" animation video

Think before you upload
View the animation video

Members of the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities have jointly produced a two-minute short animation video titled "Your Privacy is Important. Think before you upload!" for this year's Privacy Awareness Week to remind people, especially young people, of the importance of personal data privacy when they upload personal data online to prevent personal data theft.

PAW 2009 in Hong Kong

3 May 2009 Sunday

Privacy Awareness Week 2009 Inauguration Ceremony

Officiated by:
Mr. Roderick Woo, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong

Venue: Wah Yan College Hong Kong
281 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Time :
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm
  • Launch the short animation video jointly produced by the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities
  • Launch the "Privacy Report" produced by four secondary schools
5 May 2009 Tuesday

Plenary Meeting for Data Protection Officers' Club members

Topic: Sharing on the PCPD's Investigation Reports and Administrative Appeals Board's Decisions
Multi Function Hall I, 25/F., Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point
Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm
7 May 2009 Thursday

"Care for Patients. Protect their Personal Data

Officiated by: Mr. Roderick Woo, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
Mr. Shane Solomon, Chief Executive, Hospital Authority
Venue :
M Floor Foyer, Hospital Authority Building, 147B Argyle Street, Kowloon
Time: 11am

Click the following links to download wallpaper / background:

Poster of Provacy Awareness Week