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Privacy Awareness Week

Privacy Awareness Week

Result of "Privacy is Your Business" International Video Competition

The "Privacy is Your Business" International Video Competition jointly organized by the Privacy Commissioners of Australia, Hong Kong, Canada, New Zealand, the Northern Territory, New South Wales and Victoria, as well as the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, and the Office for Personal Data Protection, Macao for secondary students has achieved complete success and a prize presentation ceremony for Hong Kong/ Macau region was held on 28 August 2008.

The competition has received with a total number of 44 entries from Hong Kong and Macau. Follows are the result of the competition:

Privcy Awareness Week 24-30 AUGUST 2008

Privacy Awareness Week 2008 ("PAW 2008") in Hong Kong

Subsequent to the success of the PAW 2007, APPA members continued to organize the PAW in 2008. APPA members participating in PAW 2008 are Australia (including New South Wales, Victoria and the Northern Territory), Canada (including British Columbia), Hong Kong and New Zealand. As in 2007, the theme for PAW 2008 is "Privacy is Your Business".

"Privacy is Your Business" International Video Competition

Participating members take the opportunity to raise privacy awareness among governments, business and individuals by organizing a wide range of promotional and educational activities in their own jurisdictions. Moreover, participating members have jointly coordinated an APPA-wide promotion, "Privacy is Your Business" International Video Competition, targeted at secondary school students.

As in 2007, individual APPA member ran the Competition and awarded the winners at local level. Winning entries were then put together and judged by all APPA Commissioners for APPA-wide prizes.

To attract a larger audience, PCPD invited the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and the Office for Personal Data Protection, Macao to get on board at local level.

In order to educate young people of the importance of privacy, a series of seminars and workshops were organized offering young people the opportunity to learn about personal data privacy, creative thinking and multimedia production. Other than a seminar on the requirements of the Ordinance, a visit at the Infinito Education Studio of Hong Kong and two video production workshops were conducted for young people's participation.

International Video Competition1   International Video Competition2
International Video Competition3   International Video Competition4

During the week, a wide range of activities were carried out:

25 August 2008 (Monday)
Inaugural ceremony

To generate publicity of the PAW 2008, an opening ceremony, which symbolized concerted efforts in protecting personal data privacy by different sectors in Hong Kong, was held on 25 August.

Senior government officials, business, NGOs and professional groups representatives, DPOC members and academics were invited to support the event. The officiating guests of the inaugural ceremony were Mr. Stephen Lam, JP, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs; Mr. Simon Peh, I.D.S.M., Director of Immigration; Mr. Shane Solomon, Chief Executive, Hospital Authority; Ms. Connie Lau, Chief Executive, The Consumer Council; Ms. Esther Lee, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications Department, Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited; and Ms. Chan Hoi Fan, Coordinator, Office for Personal Data Protection, Macao.

Inaugural ceremony   Inaugural ceremony2

26 August 2008 (Tuesday)
Personal Data Privacy Campaign for Estate Agency Trade Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar on Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance

The PCPD and the Estate Agents Authority jointly organized an industry-wide educational campaign targeted real estate agents, "Personal Data Privacy Campaign for Estate Agency Trade". To mark the event, a kick-off ceremony was held on 26 August, which was followed by a seminar on the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

The campaign will last for about one year. The PCPD will organize seminars for individual estate agency companies and trade associations to explain to the practitioners the provisions stipulated in the Ordinance and to analyze related cases. Participants will be awarded points under the Continuing Professional Development Scheme. To provide practical guidelines for estate agency practitioners, a booklet on how to protect the personal data of their customers will be published.

Personal Data Privacy Campaign for Estate Agency Trade Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar on Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance1   Personal Data Privacy Campaign for Estate Agency Trade Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar on Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance2

27 August 2008 (Wednesday)
Seminar for members of Data Protection Officers' Club

Nowadays, data storage capacity of mobile phones increases rapidly. How to protect the personal data stored in mobile phones becomes an important issue. Moreover, several data leakage incidents on the Internet caused by file sharing software, such as Foxy, has raised public concern. In view of these, two distinguished guests, Mr. Tang Yu-hang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Sing Tao Magazine Group Limited, and Ir. Dr. K.P. Chow, Center Associate Director of Centre for Information Security and Cryptography, the University of Hong Kong, were invited to speak at the seminar for members of the Data Protection Officers' Club on "Security Measures of Mobile Phone" and "Security Analysis of the Foxy Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Tool".

Seminar for members of Data Protection Officers' Club1   International Video Competition1

28 August 2008 (Thursday)
"Privacy is Your Business" International Video Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony

A prize presentation ceremony for the Video Competition was held on 28 August. Results of the Video Competition were announced and the winners were awarded the prizes. In addition, Mr. Yip Lim Sum, a renowned film director was also invited to speak to the audience on privacy and film-making.

'Privacy is Your Business' International Video Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony1   International Video Competition1

Result and winning videos are now available for viewing at bothPCPD website and Privacy Awareness Week website

29 August 2008 (Friday)
Seminar for the Young People
creativity and privacy, and safety use of computers

A public seminar tailor-made for young people was organized and well received by around 100 young people. Mr. Lee Lik Chee, a renowned film director and Mr. Tang Yu Hang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Sing Tao Magazine Group Limited, were invited to speak on creativity and privacy, and safety use of computers. An information booklet titled "Protect your personal data while engaging in IT related activities" introducing computer security was also produced and distributed to the audience.

Seminar for the Young People1   International Video Competition1

30 August 2008 (Saturday)
"Privacy is Your Business" International Video Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony (Macao region)

A prize presentation ceremony for the Video Competition was held on 28 August. Results of the Video Competition were announced and the winners were awarded the prizes. In addition, Mr. Yip Lim Sum, a renowned film director was also invited to speak to the audience on privacy and film-making.

'Privacy is Your Business' International Video Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony1   Privacy is Your Business' International Video Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony2

Privacy Awareness Week 2008 Schedule in Hong Kong

25 August 2008 Monday

Privacy Awareness Week Inauguration Ceremony

Officiated by: Mr. Roderick Woo, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
Mr. Stephen Lam, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs
Ms Chan Hoi Fan, Coordinator, Office for Personal Data Protection, Macao
Mr. Shane Solomon, Chief Executive, Hospital Authority
Ms. Connie Lau, Chief Executive, The Consumer Council
Ms. Esther Lee, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications Department, Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited
Venue: Multi Function Hall, 25/F., Hong Kong Federation of Youth
26 August 2008 Tuesday

Personal Data Privacy Campaign for Estate Agency Trade Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar on Personal Data (Privacy) Seminar

Officiated by: Mr. Roderick Woo, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data Mr. Steven Poon, Chairman, Estate Agents Authority
Estate Agents Authority, 48/F, Hopwell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai
Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm
27 August 2008 Wednesday


Topic: Security measures of mobile phone
Guest speaker: Mr. Tang Yu-hang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Sing Tao Magazine Group Limited
Topic: Security Analysis of the Foxy Peer-to Peer File Sharing Tool
Guest speaker: Mr. Roderick Woo, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
Ir. Dr. K.P. Chow, Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong
Multi Function Hall, 25/F., Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point.
Time: 2:30pm - 4:45pm
28 August 2008 Tuesday

"Privacy is Your Business" International Video Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony

Officiated by: Mr. Roderick Woo, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
Dr. Rosanna Wong, Executive Director, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
Ms Chan Hoi Fan, Coordinator, Office for Personal Data Protection, Macao
Guest Speaker:
Mr Yip Lim Sum, Renowned Film Director
Venue: Multi Function Hall, 25/F., Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point.
Time: 2:30pm - 4:45pm
29 August 2008 Friday

Seminar for young people

Guest speaker: Mr. Lee Lik Chee, Renowned Film Director
Mr. Tang Yu-hang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Sing Tao Magazine Group Limited
Venue :
Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm

(Releases the "Protect your personal data while engaging in IT related activities" booklet for youngsters)

30 August 2008 Saturday

Video Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony (Macau region)

Venue: Cineteatro de Macau
Time: 11:00am

"Privacy is Your Business" International Video Competition

'Privacy is Your Business' International Video Competition

When you are asked to give your personal data in your daily life, how will you react? Some people recklessly upload their or their friends' personal data to the Internet. How about you? Are you aware of the importance of protecting your personal data? Do you respect other people's data privacy? Express your views on privacy by short video and you may have a chance of winning fabulous prizes! Winners will be promoted straight to the 'Privacy Awareness Week' organized by Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities to compete for international prizes!


You are invited to create a video in 2 minutes on the topic of "privacy is your business" to express your views on personal data privacy. Do you think privacy right is important? Have your personal data been misused in your daily life? Under what circumstances should you give/not give your personal data? Could you recklessly disclose your or your friends' personal data on the Internet? How will you educate the public to respect others' privacy? How to build up an atmosphere of respecting each other in the society?


Hong Kong or Macau full-time secondary school students

Method of participation:

Entries together with a completed entry form should be sent by post or by hand to the organizers on or before 8 August 2008:
(Please mark on the envelope: "International Video Competition")

  1. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
    12/F, Sunlight Tower, 248 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong or
  2. Office for Personal Data Protection, Macau
    Avenida da Praia Grande, n . 804, Edif. China Plaza, 20 Andar, Macau

Do you want to know more about the techniques of filming short videos?

The organizers will hold workshops on tips for creativity and filming techniques. For details, please refer to the website of Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (

Entrance Requirements:

  • Individual or group participation is accepted.
  • Each entry should not exceed two minutes.
  • Entry may be in Cantonese, Putonghua or English.
  • Entry must be stored in DVD format.


International Winners:
First Prize: video camera and a certificate
Second Prize: voucher for goods to the value of AUD$500 and a certificate
Third Prize: voucher for goods to the value of AUD$250 and a certificate

"Privacy Awareness Week 2008" will be held from 24 to 30 August 2008.
For details, please refer to

Hong Kong/Macau Winners:

First Prize: Sony VAIO Personal Computer (HK$9,000) and a certificate
Second Prize: Sony full HD handycam (HK$7,000) and a certificate
Third Prize: Sony PLAYSTATION® 3 with a game (HK$3,200) and a certificate
Best Theme Expression: HK$1,000 in electronic product and a certificate
Best Cinematography: HK$1,000 in electronic product and a certificate
Best Special Effects: HK$1,000 in electronic product and a certificate
Best Creativity: HK$1,000 in electronic product and a certificate
Best Film Editing: HK$1,000 in electronic product and a certificate


8 August 2008


Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
Enquiry: (852) 2827 2827
Address: 12/F, Sunlight Tower, 248 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Office for Personal Data Protection, Macau
Enquiry: (853) 2871 6006
Address: Avenida da Praia Grande, n . 804, Edif. China Plaza, 20 Andar, Macau

Members of Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities include:

  • Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
  • Office of the Information Commissioner Northern Territory
  • Office of the New South Wales Privacy Commissioner
  • Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Australia
  • Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner
  • Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand
  • Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Canada

Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities was established in 1992 for exchanging ideas about privacy regulation, new technologies and the management of privacy enquiries and complaints.

Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
Office for Personal Data Protection, Macau