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Privacy Awareness Week

Privacy Awareness Week

Privacy Awareness Week 2007 ("PAW 2007") in Hong Kong

Promotional events organized by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong:

26 August (Sunday)
Opening Ceremony cum Youth Privacy Survey

The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Mr. Roderick B Woo, kicked off the PAW 2007 and unveiled all related activities to the press in Hong Kong.

Results of a survey conducted by the Office of Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, has also been released. The survey aimed at gauging young people's attitude and perception towards privacy in the cyberspace in Hong Kong.

Opening Ceremony cum Youth Privacy Survey1   Opening Ceremony cum Youth Privacy Survey2

The opening ceremony of the "Privacy Awareness Week" was officiated by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Mr. Roderick Woo (left) and renowned artist Miss Do Do Cheng.


Mr. Roderick Woo, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (left) and Miss Adelaide Hung, Business Administrative Officer, Quality Evaluation Centre, City University of Hong Kong, announced the survey result of "Attitudes of Young People towards Disclosure of Personal Data on the Internet".

27 August (Monday)
Seminar on Protection of Online Personal Data (exclusive for DPOC members)

Inaugural ceremony   Inaugural ceremony

Two distinguished guests, Mr. Sean Lin, SIP of Hong Kong Police Force (left); and Ir. Dr. K.P. Chow, Center Associate Director of Centre for Information Security and Cryptography, the University of Hong Kong (right); were invited to speak on practical tips for proper handling of personal data via electronic means.

29 August (Wednesday)
Seminar on "Creative Thinking & Blog Writing Skills" for the youth

Seminar on 'Creative Thinking & Blog Writing Skills' for the youth1 Seminar on 'Creative Thinking & Blog Writing Skills' for the youth2

Renowned writer Mr. Ong Yi Hing and DJ Mr. Francis Mak were invited to share their views with young people on online privacy protection and creative blog writing. Over 200 participants attended the seminar.

To make the event more fun and interesting, a debate on "There is no privacy protection in the cyber world" will also be held. Representations from Hong Kong Girl Guides and Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups took part in this interesting fund debate.

30 August (Thursday)
Familiarization Visit to Macau Consumer Council

Familiarization Visit to Macau Consumer Council

>Macau Consumer Council has invited members of Data Protection Officers¡¦ Club to share views and experiences with regards to data protection with representatives from different sectors in Macau. Ms. Connie Lau, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Consumer Council (left), Mr. Alexandre Ho, President of Executive Committee of Macau Consumer Council (middle) and Ms. Shirley Lung, Corporate Communications Manager of the PCPD (right) shared views with participants during the meeting.

31 August (Friday)
Closing Ceremony cum Prize Presentation Ceremony for the Writing Competition

The "Privacy is Your Business" writing competition has achieved complete success and a prize presentation ceremony for Hong Kong region was held on 31 August 2007.

Closing Ceremony cum Prize Presentation Ceremony for the Writing Competition

Officiating guests Mr. Roderick Woo, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (5th from right), Mrs. Bonnie Smith, Deputy Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (3rd from right), and Mr. Alexandre Ho, President of Executive Committee of Macau Consumer Council (5th from left) took photos with the winners.

1 September (Saturday)
Deputy Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data holds a dialogue session with young people

Deputy Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data holds a dialogue session with young people

To wrap up the PAW 2007, Deputy Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Mrs. Bonnie Smith (2nd from right, first row), held a dialogue session with young people at a live radio programme at RTHK2 on 1 September 2007. Mrs. Smith has conveyed the message of the protection of personal data privacy to the young people. Click here to hyperlink to RTHK website to listen the programme.